Review Our Prices & Payment Options

Living Options

Learn about our different living options, rooms available and fees.

Respite Care

For residential respite care (short stays for up to 63 days each financial year) payments include:

• A basic daily fee

For respite enquiries an ACAS (Aged Care Assessment) approval must be provided for an eligibility check.

Donvale Gardens does not charge booking fees for respite care.

Permanent Care

Funding arrangements for residential aged care is according to the Aged Care Act and relevant principles.

The cost of accommodation and care is subsidised by the government, with residents contributing according to a combined income and asset assessment conducted by the Department of Human Services (Centrelink).

The maximum amounts residents can be asked to pay are regulated by the Government. There are protections in place to ensure that care is affordable for all Australians and that no-one is denied care due to the inability to pay.

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contact us today.

Enquire about our aged care solutions today

Have any questions about our aged care facilities? Our helpful team is here to help. Reach out today and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Donvale Gardens
296/304 Springvale Road, Donvale Victoria 3111